Kenya – A wake up call for the Curious and adventurous

NAIROBI, Aug. 30, 2017 (Xinhua) -- A lioness licks her cub at the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, Aug. 28, 2017. (Xinhua/Lyu Shuai/IANS)
Kenya has always been referred as Africa’s safari capital and well renowned for its National Parks and the Big Five namely Africa, Lion, African Elephant, African Leopard, Cape Buffalo and Rhinoceros.
We take you through a journey visiting the private conservancies where one can explore rich wildlife and also help to support the local communities.
Wildlife conservation and Sustainable Tourism
The conservancies are mostly stand-alone entities that support their own operations including security. Increased concentration of wild animals is the result of excellent approach to the wildlife management. The process to develop a ‘Conservancy’ starts with the local Masai Landowners setting their land aside to help their communities benefit from the generated revenue. Once the land is set aside and agreements for conservancy in place, these dedicated areas are returned to natural and pristine state. Once the flora is re-established in these zones, the herbivores start returning to these areas and these prey animals attract predators including birds and scavengers the Powerful hunters.
Advantages of Game Drive in Private conservancies
The conservancies are exclusive to the guests and as there are limited number of camps / tents available in each conservancy. Those staying at Camps in the conservancy are only allowed to enter the area for the Game drive.
Conservancies are preferred by Wildlife lovers and photographers as the wildlife is much more relaxed and away from the maddening crowds. In the regular wildlife parks, the animals tend to come close by only when necessary as they have freedom to move to secluded areas. This is different in Conservancies, as there is less human movement or negligible vehicular movement; the animals tend to come closer. The open 4 x 4 vehicles give unobstructed views for all.
Following are a few of the main advantages of visiting a conservancy:
– Ability to go off road for getting closer to the wildlife to get a better view and get close up photos from close by angles
– No background clutter from other Safari vans as there are limited people in the area
– No time restrictions, one can enjoy a game post sunset or at night as well. The Night game gives a great opportunity to site the Nocturnal animals on the move.
– One can always visit a wildlife reserve while staying in Conservancy, does not work the other way around
– Enjoy bush walks
Jay kantawala, Founder of WIYO travel said, ‘Kenya has always been a popular destination amongst wildlife enthusiasts, we aim to give a better wildlife experience for our customers educating them on visiting the conservancies for a richer wildlife experience and support efforts for sustainable tourism’.
Experience of a visit to the Conservancies is exclusive and unforgettable. For conservation lovers, one can also experience some of the endangered wildlife species with help of a trained guide. Visitors can also visit a local community project that the conservancy supports; this would give a chance to interact with local community and culture.
WIYO travel was established in 2006 and has specialization in unique travel experiences and customized solutions for the discerning traveller.
The founders, Jay Kantawala decided to launch his own travel brand after a good amount of professional travel industry experience.
WIYO travels strongly believe in ‘Travel Real’ – as travel is not about how many destinations one can travel in the shortest duration of time, travel is about the memories you create from your journeys.
At WIYO Travel, they have created a technology platform to assist the travel enthusiast in planning their own travel experiences. Platform gives a chance to the visitors to create various travel schedules by themselves and they can request for booking directly or can connect with WIYO Travel directly for expert’s assistance.
Disclaimer: The views express are personal


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